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The era of the Back-ups. Fertility cryopreservation.

The era of the Back-ups. Fertility cryopreservation.

As we all know, this is an era of a staggering increase of people looking to back-up their gametes in order to preserve their genetics and future fertility.

We see advertisements offering women the opportunity to save their eggs, in places called Cryobanks. Their offer is focused in women as well as men. We know men freeze their sperm for future use. Couples freeze their embryos, because most fertility procedures get remaining embryos that might end in future babies named back-up babies. This information sounds quite overwhelming when we put it together, but let’s simplify things.

Today more women freeze their eggs for several reasons. Most women are simply not prepared to become mothers during their best fertile years, and once they are finally prepared, their reserve of eggs has depleted considerably and the risk of genetic diseases increases. Having this panorama, it is a great idea to have a back-up plan, which was not available a few years ago, and freeze the eggs when their fertility is at its best. It is difficult to argue this is a clever plan. There is a huge number of successful women who are not prepared to give up their jobs and careers to become mothers; for them this is a great alternative, a win-win situation.

Another important reason to freeze eggs is when a woman has not found the right partner yet. Once she finds it in the future, it will be possible to create healthy embryos using her partner sperm. Those embryos will have the age she had when she froze them...Continue reading

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