One day I read someone’s article stating that in this lifetime she could not be happy with any men she had a relationship with, and that she knew perhaps he did not come to this lifetime this time to meet her. By the time I read the article I did not know the things I now know. I was not aware of the fact that we, as souls, can recognize each other with our energy. I know as a fact we all have souls that mean a world to us: an infinite love. It is not the love we feel for the rest of the souls, whom we also love very much. This is a much deeper love, so deep that it is difficult to explain with words.
Once we realize in any lifetime, that we are all connected, and our energies are capable of great things, we can see more clearly.
I have seen many people depressed and sad because they are on disturbed, unhappy, and disrespectful relationships, and they cannot understand why they are submerged into such unhealthy situations. For us who are on the other side of the line, it is counter intuitive that someone would live that way. However, for them it might be something they feel they have to live with. Perhaps, because society dictates it that way, or because they do not want to recognize they made a mistake in getting into the relationship on the first place. It is not an easy situation, and I am sure many of you have experienced it yourselves, or with friends and family.
People communicate to me that they feel as if they are paying for something bad committed in a previous lifetime, which is a very common way to see it. Subsequently, my question is always the same: “don’t you think you are just scared to let go and the right one is not there yet?
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