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What is fertility online for?

What is fertility online for?


Through this blog I will communicate the discoveries I’ve made during my fertility experience. It has been a broad experience fulfilled with new discoveries, understanding and respect for the field of life.

I am sure many of the patients coming here will find comfort to several questions they may have, as a way to learn to understand what is the best way to prepare for a fertility treatment.

There is too much information out there, textbooks, magazines, internet; they all are a rich source of information. However, this information might be misinterpreted or confusing for most patients, even discouraging. There is no need to feel that way if you can find a resource with most of the answers to basic questions.

We all feel a negative sensation when something is not working properly in our bodies. We are afraid of changes and trying new things. But is important to learn it does not have to be so difficult. It can be accomplished.

What is life? it is the opportunity we have to live experiences. And that is the opportunity we all are waisting at not understanding the meaning of our own lives. Are you challenged in the fertility area? live it, face it and learn from it. There is always something to be learned.

I used to be a fundamentalist scientist, skeptical mind, motivated by pure science. The science that can be demonstrated...Continue reading

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